Oldies but goodies that I read this past year were by James Patterson, Karen Kingsbury, Charlaine Harris and Janet Evanovich.
1. Along Came A Spider by James Patterson
2. Found by Karen Kingsbury
3. Family by Karen Kingsbury
4. The Roots of the Olive Tree by Courtney Miller Santo (NEW)
5. Gone by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge
6. Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich
7. The Bride Wore Chocolate by Shirley Jump (NEW)
8. Amazing Grace by Megan Shull (NEW)
9. Divergent by Veronica Roth (NEW) - 1st book in Divergent series
10. Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There by Julia Ariss (NEW)
11 Chasing Justice by Danielle Stewart (NEW) 1st book in Piper Anderson series
13. Changing Fate by Danielle Stewart
14. Choosing Christmas by Danielle Stewart
15. Betty's Journal by Danielle Stewart
16 Finding Freedom by Danielle Stewart
17. Settling Scores by Danielle Stewart
18. Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
19. Insurgent by Veronica Roth - 2nd in series
20. The Chase by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
21. Allegiant by Veronica Roth - 3rd in series
22. Forever by Karen Kingsbury
23. Hearts of Clover by Danielle Stewart
24. Cinder by Marissa Meyer (NEW) 1st book in Cinder series
25. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
26. Battling Destiny by Danielle Stewart
27. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry (NEW)
28. Summer by Karen Kingsbury
29. Cress by Marissa Meyer
30. The Christmas Bucket List by Ella Fairlie (NEW)
31. Revived by Cat Patrick (NEW)
Pinterest Pin of my books so you can check them out.
Sorted by author:
James Patterson / James P. & Michael Ledwidge
Along Came A Spider
Gone by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge
Karen Kingsbury
Courtney Miller Santo
The Roots of the Olive Tree (NEW)
Janet Evanovich
Takedown Twenty
The Chase by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Shirley Jump
The Bride Wore Chocolate (NEW)
Megan Shull
Amazing Grace (NEW)
Veronica Roth
Divergent (NEW) - 1st book in Divergent series
Julia Ariss
Fanny Bower Puts Herself Out There (NEW)
Danielle Stewart
Chasing Justice (NEW) 1st book in Piper Anderson series
Cutting Ties
Changing Fate
Choosing Christmas
Betty's Journal
Finding Freedom
Settling Scores
Battling Destiny
Hearts of Clover (New series)
Charlaine Harris
Dead in the Family
Marissa Meyer
Cinder (NEW) 1st book in Cinder series
Lois Lowry
Number the Stars (NEW)
Ella Fairlie
The Christmas Bucket List (NEW)
Cat Patrick
Revived (NEW)
Well I didn't make my goal of reading 40 books this year but that's alright. Sometimes life gets in the way and you have to get other things done as well. Make a new goal for yourself on Goodreads.com and see if you can do it this year. It's a new year for new things. Happy Reading!
Pick up a book and read!
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